Saturday, September 5

happy thought #2

hometown festivals - #2. there have been several hometown festivals since i have come home from school - all of which i've missed in the past few years. today was the italian of my all time favorites. the joys today ranged from bovine bingo (you win $75 if the cow poops in your square), to the rapido pomadoro (tomato chucking contest), bocce ball tournaments, and more. my brother's barbershop quartet sang as the main entertainment during lunch and they performed above and beyond what i've heard. they were incredible. plus with the tractors pulling trolleys of people back and forth and the italian food in the tummy with the sun on my back and the wind on my made for an ultra relaxing and enjoyable day. yay for fall.

1 comment:

stace-face said...

your hair is cute! is it darker??