Saturday, June 27


i forget so often how therapeutic words can be. i miss putting my thoughts on paper. i think and overthink nearly everything, and writing all the thoughts down helps to curb that nasty habit a little bit and make me quit brooding a little.

i am housesitting this week. my old babysitting family the kallinas called and asked if i might be interested in watching their house for 2 weeks while they went on vacation. i immediately said yes, even though i will be gone the second week visiting my dearest friend. however, they assured me that one week was good enough for them and i got the keys and instructions for pet care.

last night i moved in. my parents left for their 30th anniversary vacation, and i moved out, giving my brother and i each the week of space we probably need, not that we see that much of each other as it is. the house is beautiful. granite kitchen countertops, beautiful tiled floor, impeccable cleanliness and decorating's beautiful. it's one of those houses you just KNOW has to be a "model house" for a home show or something. it's that beautiful. they have a lovely back patio and a pool. it's like my dream house. and i get to live here for a week. my heart feels so nice and light. it's nice to be secluded for a little bit, to get some space, to pamper myself. it's been a long time. when you move back in with your family there not alot of time for pampering. there's always alot to do, or to think about doing at least.

i read a verse this morning during breakfast (yes i had time and ingredients to make a REAL breakfast...fantastic) that really pushed my heart further along the "peaceful and light" continuum.

2 Corinthians 4:6 -
"For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."

doesn't that just make you happy? God put his light in our hearts so that we could KNOW His glory. i love it. so much. corinthians has become the life saver inner tube device of my stormy ocean of post-graduation summer.

mmmm i'm so excited about these next two weeks. one week of solitude, and then one tremendous week of restoration.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

im working through corinthians right now and it is legit!

love it and love you :)